Timesheets MTS Software ..... your source for accurate, cost effective, and easy to use timesheet and time tracking software

A weblog from the authors of Timesheets MTS and Timesheets Lite, cost effective timesheet and time and billing software

Mark Nemtsas: December 2013 Archives

Maureen Carroll, the founding industrial designer of Creature Product Development has just sent in some unsolicited feedback about our low cost timesheet software. Creature Product Design had been using the free version of Timesheets Lite for a few years and in the last few months decided to upgrade to the commercial version. Here's what Maureen had to say:

So, I've got some unsolicited (!) feedback on your product, now that we've purchased it for 4 users.

1.Overall, we love that this is a basic product that doesn't try to get fancy and isn't loaded down with useless features that a creative type doesn't want.
2.None of us use the timer feature - we just don't work that way.
3. We all really like that we can easily check our hours on a project at any time.
4. I really like the pricing - if it wasn't priced this way, I would be doing this on Excel, because there is NO WAY I will pay a monthly fee for a timesheet program.

Thanks for the feedback Maureen, it's always great to hear back from users of our software!

By Mark Nemtsas at 12:20 PM