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Timesheets Lite Release Notes

Version:3.5.11 Released 21 November 2016
-Project combo always has focus when edit/add time screen is shown
-Fix to error when deleting currently timed time.
-Various other fixes

Version:3.5.8 Released 17 November 2015
-Refactored timer code to try to avoid latency
-Fix to key not found error when connecting to Access Database.
-Extra logging added to appClass.DatabaseDriver in case above fix doesn't work.

Version:3.5.7 Released 26 March 2015
-Fix to float column bug for MySQL
-Fix to connection casting error for MySQL
-Fix to casting problem for Int32 for MySQL
-Fix to detailed activity report when the number of employees or projects is exactly divisible by 40
-Added a number of keyboard shortcuts to the timesheet, CTRL-X, CTRL-C, CTRL-Y to cut, copy and paste times, CTRL-A to select all times.
-Copying/cutting times from right click menu now only works for selected times (used to copy/cut all times)
-ESC now closes most forms in the software.
-ENTER now triggers the SAVE button on most forms
-CTRL-BACKSPACE deletes the previous word for the description box on the add/edit time form
-The confirmation box for dragging/dropping times can now be dismissed permanently

Version:3.5.6 Released 24 November 2013
-Fixed rounding bug for hh:mm:ss time entry
-Fix to query too complex error for weekly time report
-Fix to various reports when no customer selected
-Fix to display of project when timing

Version:3.5.5 Released 19 June 2013
-Fixed startup bug in Windows 8
-Numerical precision is now permanently set to 4. Stops perceived rounding errors.

Version:3.5.4 Released 8 May 2013
-Added MultipleInstance command line parameter to allow multiple instances of Timesheets Lite to run.

Version:3.5.3 Released 10 April 2013
-Fix to detailed activity report that was duplicating day entries

Version:3.5.2 Released 3 April 2013
-Fix to column ordering with activity data appearing in wrong column
-Changes the way that timesheet columns are resized when resizing the application window
-column widths are remembered and applied properly now
-added an "auto fit columns" setting to the right click timesheet menu

Version:3.5.1 Released 15 March 2013
-Fix to import data from old versions of Timesheets Lite routines
-Re-wrote much of the Detailed Activity report to speed up generation
-Minor tweak to weekly timesheet report to speed up generation

Version:3.5.0 Released 3 March 2013
-Cached employee record on Add/Edit time screen to speed up loading of project dropdown
-Much time spent on speeding up processing of timesheet display. Project/activity data is now cached on display to prevent repeated database accesses to database
-Time spent improving speed of time collection loading process.
-Much time spent working on the time object to prevent un-necessary database accesses for projects, employees and common activities.
-Some time collections are now loaded with cross-tab queries to prevent un-necessary database accesses and speed up performance
-Changed queries used by weekly timesheet report to cross-tab to speed up report generation time
-Optimized run speed of Detailed Activity report.
-Added option to filter projects on the Manage Projects screen.

Version:3.4.8 Released 26 February 2013
-Various fixes to the MySQL / SQL Server script generation system

Version:3.4.7 Released 13 February 2013
-Monthly timesheet time now shows time for selected employee not just logged in employee
-Start/Resume timer button icon changed
-Stop timer button icon changed
-Login screen only displays active employees
-Time task checkbox removed from edit time screen, replaced with time task button
-Fixed title of employee timesheet report
-Added No Employee Posting setting to projects. When checked only project managers and super users can add time to that project.
-A slight tweak to the ini file handling to speed up processing for non-existent keys/values
-Rewrote the way that various lists are populated. Should speed things up A LOT.
-When a common activity is selected for a new time and there's no description text the decription of the common activity is put intot he time description box.

Version:3.4.6 Released 8 January 2013
-Timesheet date set to today when an employee logs in
-Employee dropdown added to timesheet. Super users can use the dropdown to select another employee and edit that persons timesheet.

Version:3.4.5 Released 2 January 2013
-Background and foreground colors added for common activities. These colors display on the manage activities screen and the common activity dropdown on the add/edit time screen.
-Added Use Non Billable Fields seting to Interface Options screen. If this is not checked the non-billable column does not appear on the timesheet and the non billable checkbox on the Add/Edit times screen is always disabled.
-Project colors update properly on the manage project screen when a project is edited.
-Dropdowns for project/activity show colors on the add/edit time screen.
-Much time spent working on speed of login to Timesheets Lite screen. Testing on a database with 138 employees has taken the load time down from 12 seconds to a bit under 0.2 seconds.
-Much time spent working on the load speed of the project list on the add/edit time screen. It turns out there was a bottleneck checking for local settings (rather than database settings). These settings are now pre-emptively loaded when an employee first logs in and cached in memory. Testing on a list of 1500 projects shows an improvement from 20 seconds down to under a second.
-Time spent improving load speed of employees. Improvement in load speed by a factor of 10, should see benefits on the reporting side of the system.
-Added a system to add new columns to the timesheets database.

Version:3.4.4 Released 27 December 2012
-Fixed a bug with the task timer. Bug manifested itself when the task timer was paused and then the stop timer button was pressed.
-Fixed a hard crash when pressing the Cancel button when choosing a database in the Import Data Wizard

Version:3.4.3 Released 25 October 2012
-Fixed up toolbar icon for import data screen
-Fixed up printing of all manage data lists

Version:3.4.2 Released 11 October 2012
-Fix to display of options screen for non super users.
-Fix to logging to stop file in use error some people are seeing.

Version:3.4.1 Released 18 August 2012
-Logging now saves file after every log message to get better messages when app crashes
-Fix to startup crash seen on some machines

Version:3.4.0 Released 8 August 2012
-Added non billable ratio report
-Added time requirement report
-Added project activity summary report
-Fixed over all internal time % calculation error on Internal/External time report for periods less than 4 weeks.
-Employee password field on the Add/Edit employee screen is now masked with the password character *
-Changed application icon

Version:3.3.9 Released 24 July 2012
-Fixed up Arial Narrow problem on Customers form

Version:3.3.8 Released 17 July 2012
-Fix to incorrect error messages when adding a project with no name or number
-Fix to the currently timed time not displaying the current time when editing
-All the manage data screens can now print data lists via a print button on each manage data screen.
-Manage data screen is now resizeable
-Timesheet totals now update correctly with timer ticks
-Fix to currently timed time not updating properly in totals when timer is stopped

Version:3.3.7 Released 19 June 2012
-Fix to task timer when precision was set to 2
-Fix to task timer that was running too fast
-Fix to Detailed Activity Report
-Fix to common activity report

Version:3.3.6 Released 7 June 2012
-Fix to User Project Grid report that wouldnt display correctly when one of the selected employees had no activity in the report period
-Fix to the Detailed Activity report that would display a "Query is Too Complex" error messages when more than 40 projects were present
-Fix to the User Project Grid report that would display a "Query is Too Complex" error messages when more than 40 projects were present
-Times that are being timed now only update to the database every 30 seconds (was 10)
-When making a database connection up to 40 retries are now allowed with a delay of 25-50 milliseconds between retries
-Made use of Using construct around most database access code to try to clean up any stray connections that might be preventing database locks from other computers
-Fix to saved windows size/position when closing application while window is minimized
-Fix to first run wizard that wouldn't connect correctly to a SQL or MySQL connection when choosing the advanced setup option
-changed update timer status routine to stop continual database accesses

Version:3.3.5 Released 30 May 2012
-Fix to hard crash when connecting to SQL Server database.

Version:3.3.4 Released 18 May 2012
-Non billable checkbox on Add/Edit times is automatically checked (and disabled) for non billable projects.

Version:3.3.3 Released 17 May 2012
-Fix to error using the new show/hide project number on edit times screen

Version:3.3.2 Released 15 May 2012
-Fixed a problem when switching from a paused timer to time another time.
-Right clicking on the project drop down on the add/edit time box allows you to show or hide the project number.

Version:3.3.1 Released 14 May 2012
-Time spent on speed of the Detailed Activity Report
-Time spent on speed of the two week timesheet
-Two week timesheet only prints out projects with activity
-Fixed header of two week timesheet for employees with no activity in period
-Time spent on speed of the weekly timesheet
-Weekly timesheet only prints out projects with activity
-Fixed header of weekly timesheet for employees with no activity in period
-Common activity report now only prints out activities on a project that have time spent on them during the reporting period
-User project grid now only shows users/projects with activity
-Resized the welcome wizard screen
-Welcome wizard now detects if trying to connect to old Timesheets Lite database
-If Welcome Wizard is cancelled the wizard will run again the next time Timesheets Lite is started
-Fix to saving timed times where cultural decimal separator is something other than a .
-Added time description to timer status box
-Project description and time description added as tooltips to timer status boxes.

Version:3.3.0 Released 7 May 201
-OLEDB connection pooling enabled
-Change to database connection methodology to allow for very large databases. Should prevent the "cannot open more tables" error.
-Time spent optimizing load speeds for very large recordsets
-Significant improvements made to the Add/Edit time screen
-Improvements made to the Manage Data screen load time
-Improvements made to the Report Configuration screen load time
-More fixes to the import data wizard
-Changed the way customers load to speed up loading of large numbers of customer records
-Removed tooltip popups from project listviews, increases load speed by about 95% on various screens
-Added busy cursor when changing data tabs on the manage data screen
-Added busy cursor when loading report configuration screen
-Timesheet column widths are now remembered
-Timesheet column order is now remembered
-Fix to second last column of two week timesheet report which was not displaying hours in the correct format
-Added "all dates" option to reporting screen. Modified all reports to run from date of first activity to current date if this option is selected and report period is recorded as "All Dates".
-Added period dates to summary timesheet lines
-Changing the "activity column on timesheet" interface setting now takes effect when exiting the options screen
-Dates are shown next to timesheet totals
-Timesheet totals for the week and month are for the current week/month for the selected timesheet time
-Fix to common activity report for those with more than 7 common activities
-Updated tips.txt file
-Added catch to allow exiting from the software if the timesheet summary thread doesn't ever exit

Version:3.2.0 Released 26 April 2012
-Fix to login screen not showing employee login status correctly
-Catch put in place to stop software from exiting before timesheet summary thread has finished
-Catch put in place to stop multiple timesheet summary thread updates
-Timesheet date now changes when navigating calendar with cursor keys
-Days with activity are now bolded
-changed most text boxes to left alignment
-Fix to broken SQL/MySQL script creation process

Version:3.1.4 Released 24 April 2012
-Fix to import data wizard

Version:3.1.3 Released 20 April 2012
-Added show closed projects checkbox to Manage Projects screen.
-Added project fore and background color to Manage Projects Screen
-Projects are now color coded on the Manage Projects screen and the timesheet display. Fore and background colors set these colors on the Manage Projects screen.
-Fix to monthly/weekly timesheet totals of more than 24 hours not displaying correctly.
-A lot of time spent optimizing the loading of multiple times in an effort to minimize database load and processing speed.
-Filling of the timesheet summary times is now in a separate thread to speed up perceived update time.
-Projects now displayed with their project numbers
-Column widths on the various manage data screens are now remembered
-Fixed up a problem with the data importer not bringing in some customers correctly

Version:3.1.2 Released 17 April 2012
-Fix to data import where project manager or project created by was a non existent employee
-Fix to page title on one page of data import wizard
-Fix to import data wizard that was not bringing in some non billable times correctly
-Fix to hh:mm:ss display format that would display seconds under 10 without a leading 0

Version:3.1.1 Released 5 April 2012
-Fix to data import not bringing in time descriptions or common activities correctly
-Fix to data import when old Timesheets Lite database folder doesn't exist
-Fix to forms when large fonts used
-Fix to resizing issues on the invoicing and report configuration screens
-Option now given to run the welcome wizard if no employees are defined

Version:3.1.0 Released 21 March 2012
-Added data import from previous versions of Timesheets Lite
-Fixed up problem with most used projects menu when using SQL Server
-Allowed selection of new Acccess database location when connected to SQL Server or MySQL.
-Fix to reports where just one employee is selected
-Database structure checked before connecting to new database to ensure that database is valid.
-Time description added to Detailed Activity report.

Version:3.0.3 Released 1 March 2012
-Added some more information to the error handling form
-Re-wrote DAL to open an close connections on demand rather than keeping connection open the whole time
-Shifted task timer saving to a ExecuteNonQuery
-changed task timer to save every 10 seconds
-changed database connection mode to adModeShareDenyNone
-stopped logging for employees and customers with ID of 0
-changed oledb database connection to a more optimistic accessmode
-changed oledb locking method to record locking rather than page locking

Version:3.0.2 Released 29 February 2012
-Set default application skin to Money Twins
-Fixed up page ordering problem with First Run Wizard
-Resized First Run Wizard window to a more sensible size.

Version:3.0.1 Released 27 February 2012
Initial Release