Timesheets MTS Software ..... your source for accurate, cost effective, and easy to use timesheet and time tracking software

A weblog from the authors of Timesheets MTS and Timesheets Lite, cost effective timesheet and time and billing software

Timesheets MTS Version 2.6.6 Released

By Mark Nemtsas at 7:21 AM

We've just released version 2.6.6 of Timesheets MTS. Changes made to this minor release can be seen below:

  • A fix to a startup error some people were seeing, especially on Windows 10 when the file that contains the start up tips could not be found.
  • Time periods for 2016 and 2017 have been added to the default database.
  • Fix to the Project Charge Rates screen when editing an existing charge rate and the regional decimal separator is not a period.
  • Fix to a spurious Error Number: 0 that some people saw while logging in.

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