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Home->Invoice Templates

Invoice Templates

From version 2.1.5 onward of Timesheets MTS you are able to print out invoice to Microsoft Excel. These templates can be modified to your desire easily using MS Excel. This page is where you will be able to download these templates from. If you have an invoice template you'd like to share with the world then email it to us. After review we'll post it here for the rest of our community to use.

Download Invoice Templates

Notes on User of Invoice Templates

To use these templates just download them and put them in a suitable folder on your PC or network. Then while logged into Timesheets MTS use the Options->Financial Defaults screen to select the file. Whenever you print invoices the selected template will be used as the basis for the invoice. To add/remove your own data fields to the template look at the second worksheet of the template. This contains detailed notes on all available data fields and their behavior.